
Archive for February, 2008


What Causes the Toxic Build-up?

We put our colons under a great deal of stress with our modern lifestyle. Years of fast food, cigarettes, prescription drugs and alcohol keep the colon busy. Add to that indigestion, constipation, work-related stress, illnesses and sedentary lifestyles, and you have a recipe for an unhealthy colon.

Don’t underestimate how important a healthy colon is to your body – Colon cancer is second only to lung cancer among cancer deaths in the US. Waste and toxins can build up in your system, and even if you don’t feel constipated your colon may need your help!

Colon Cleansing uses herbs and natural supplements to help your body mend its internal organs and restore you to health. The crucial part of a colon cleanse is the addition of Psyllium to your diet.

Juice fasting is a great way to restore your system to health, cleanse the colon and lose weight at the same time. Often your body tells you it is hungry when you really just need to drink some water, so drink one of these juices every time you feel hungry. This way you’re staying healthy and not engaging in unnecessary binge eating.

Here are a few recipes to get you started.

Stomach Cleanser

1 bunch Grapes
1 basket Strawberries
3 Apples
4 sprigs Fresh Mint

Healing Juice

3-4 Carrots
125g Fresh Spinach
Handful of Flat Leaf Parsley
2-3 Sticks of Celery

Vegetable Super Juice

1 whole cucumber
4 sticks of celery
2-4 handfuls of spinach
8 lettuce leaves
Optional boosters: parsley and fresh alfalfa sprouts

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How to Elevate Oatmeal to Superfood
Drink a glass of this with your oatmeal to help elevate your breakfast to superfood status: orange juice.

Why? The nutrients in oatmeal and OJ work synergistically to provide double the benefits you’d expect from simply adding their powers together.

So how can you take advantage of more food synergies? The best way is to eat a varied diet rich in colorful fruits and veggies, healthy fats, different kinds of whole grains, and few or no processed foods. This will give nutrients the best shot at meeting up in your body and reinforcing one another as they guard against disease.

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